Le vendredi 13 décembre 2024 à 11h en Salle du Conseil, nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir Stefania La Rocca, doctorante en Psychologie, Linguistique et Neurosciences Cognitives au Département de Psychologie de l’Université de Milan-Bicocca, sous la direction de Roberta Daini, au sein du N-VISION LAB.

Titre de la présentation: “Embody” that I used to know
Abstract:  In this talk I will outline the potential of virtual reality to advance our understanding of social cognition. We will start with the advantages of using virtual reality in the study of cognitive aspects (e.g. memory, attention while driving) and the latest developments in social cognition specifically in the study and modification of attitudes through “embodiment” paradigms.
To show how the combination of technology and recent findings in social cognition can be used to study and improve cognitive enhancement pathways in different domains (e.g. ageing, neuropsychological clinical population), we will compare the different embodiment paradigms and their efficacy (visual-tactile stimulation, enfacement, full avatar embodiment) and the recent findings in avatar trait influence. Finally, limitations and future directions will be considered and discussed together.