Pierre HALLÉ
Chercheur associé
DR1 émérite CNRS depuis 2016 ; parcours CNRS : CR (1987-2004) en section 27 (Comportement, cognition, cerveau) puis DR (2004-2016) en section 34 (Sciences du langage) ; affiliation principale : LPP (CNRS-Paris 3 : UMR 7018) ; associées : LMC2lab, Haskins labs (USA). Domaines de recherche : Psycholinguistique ; Phonétique ; Phonologie ; Acquisition du langage. Méthodologies : expériences comportementales ; électrophysiologie : ERPs ; analyse phonétique (acoustique/articulatoire) de parole contrôlée ou de corpus. Enseignement : psycholinguistique (langage parlé et écrit) à Paris 5, Paris 3, et Tsinghua University (Taiwan) ; directions de Masters (~30) et doctorats (~10). Publications (voir site) : ~40 articles de revues, ~100 communications. Contrats : ~3 ANR ou équivalent ; 2 contrats CNRS-JSPS (Japon) ; 1 contrat JSPS “Bridge” (2015).
Profil académique & recherche
“Phonétique et Phonologie de Laboratoire” (1er semestre ; M1 ; Paris 3)
Thèmes de recherche
- Langage parlé : état initial, état adulte; perception phonétique, perception inter-langue; relations perception-production; représentations phonologiques, représentations lexicales; interactions entre langage écrit et parlé.
Projets, recherches en cours
- Planification de la production de parole, “inner speech”
Responsabilités (scientifiques, administratives, enseignement)
- Direction de thèse (1 dernière étudiante devant soutenir en 2023)
Contrat de recherche
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Journal articles
- Hallé, P., Manoiloff, L., Gao, J-Y., & Segui, J. (2022). Monitoring internal speech: an advantage for syllables over phonemes? Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 37, 22-41.
- Gao, J-Y., Hallé, P., & Draxler, C. (2020). Breathy voice and low-register: A case of trading relation in Shanghai Chinese tone perception? Language and Speech, 63, 582-607.
- Kim, H., Kamiyama, T., & Hallé, P. (2020). Tokyo Japanese speakers’ multi-cued perception of voicing. Japanese/Korean Linguistics, 26. 63-73.
- Gao, J-Y., & Hallé, P. (2017). Phonetic and phonological properties of tones in Shanghai Chinese. Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale. 46, 1-31.
- Hallé, P., Ridouane, R., & Best, C. (2016). Differential difficulties in perception of Tashlhiyt Berber consonant quantity contrasts by native Tashlhiyt listeners vs. Berber-naïve French listeners. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:209. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00209.
- Manoiloff, L., Segui, J., & Hallé, P. (2015). Subliminal repetition primes help detecting phonemes in a picture: Evidence for a phonological level of the priming effects. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(1), 24-36.
- Ridouane, R, Hermes, A., & Hallé, P. (2014). Tashlhiyt’s ban of complex syllable onsets: phonetic and perceptual evidence. STUF, 67(1), 7-20.
- Manoiloff, L., Segui, J., & Hallé, P. (2013). L’effet de fréquence dans l’accès aux propriétés phonologiques des noms d’objets. L’Année Psychologique, 113(3), 335-348.
- Whalen, D., Giulivi, S., Nam, H., Levitt, A., Hallé, P., & Goldstein, L. (2012). Biomechanically preferred consonant-vowel combinations fail to appear in adult lexicons and spoken corpora. Language and Speech, 55(4), 503-515.
- Best, C., & Hallé, P. (2010). Perception of initial obstruent voicing is influenced by gestural organization. Journal of Phonetics, 38(1), 109-126.
- Clements, G. N., & Hallé, P. (2010). Introduction to the Special Issue “Phonetic Bases of Distinctive Features.” Journal of Phonetics. 38(1), 3-9.
- Fowler, C., Sramko, V., Ostry, D., Rowland, S., & Hallé, P. (2008). Cross language phonetic influences on the speech of French-English bilinguals. Journal of Phonetics, 36, 649-663.
- Snoeren, N., Segui, J., & Hallé, P. (2008). On the role of regular phonological variation in lexical access: Evidence from voice assimilation in French. Cognition, 108(2), B512-B521.
- Snoeren, N., Segui, J., & Hallé, P. (2008). On the role of regular phonological variation in lexical access: Evidence from voice assimilation in French. Cognition, 108(2), B512-B521.
- Snoeren, N., Segui, J., & Hallé, P. (2008). Perceptual processing of partially and fully assimilated words in French. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34, 193-204.
- Hallé, P., Dominguez, A., Cuetos, F., & Segui, J. (2008). Phonological mediation in visual masked priming: Evidence from phonotactic repair. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 34, 177-192.
- Hallé, P., Durand, C., & de Boysson-Bardies, B. (2008). Do 11-month-old French infants process articles? Language and Speech.
- Hallé, P., & Best, C. (2007). Dental-to-velar perceptual assimilation: A cross-linguistic study of the perception of dental stop+/l/ clusters. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121, 2899-2914.
- Snoeren, N., Hallé, P., & Segui, J. (2006). A voice for the voiceless: Production and perception of assimilated stops in French. Journal of Phonetics, 34, 241-268.
- Vihman, M., dePaolis, R., Nakai, S., Hallé, P. (2004). The role of accentual pattern in early lexical representation. Journal of Memory and Language, 50, 336–353.
- Hallé, P., Chang, Y-C., & Best, C. (2004). Categorical perception of Taiwan Mandarin Chinese tones by Chinese versus French native speakers. Journal of Phonetics, 32, 395-421.
- Longtin, C-M., Segui, J., & Hallé, P. (2003). Morphological priming without morphological relationship in French. Language and Cognitive Processes.18, 313-334.
- Segui, J., & Hallé, P. (2001). Connaître pour percevoir : le rôle des contraintes phonotactiques dans la perception de la parole. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 11, 323-35.
- Chang, Y-C., & Hallé, P. (2001). Tone categorization in Taiwan Mandarin. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies. New Series XXX, 1, 51-65.
- Hallé, P., Chéreau, C., & Segui, J. (2000). Where is the /b/ in “absurde” [apsyrd]? It is in French listeners’ minds. Journal of Memory and Language, 43, 618-639.
- Hallé, P., Best, C., & Levitt, A. (1999). Phonetic versus phonological influences on French listeners’ perception of American English approximants. Journal of Phonetics, 27, 281-306.
- Hallé, P. (1998). Les productions vocales des jeunes enfants français : convergence vers le modèle adulte. Langue française, 118, 6-25.
- Hallé, P., Segui, J., Frauenfelder, U., & Meunier, C. (1998). The processing of illegal consonant clusters: A case of perceptual assimilation? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 24, 592-608.
- Hallé, P., & Boysson-Bardies, B. de (1996). The format of representation of recognized words in infants’ early receptive lexicon. Infant Behavior & Development, 19, 465-483.
- Semal, S., Demany, L., Ueda, K., & Hallé, P. (1996). Speech versus nonspeech in pitch memory. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100, 1132-1140.
- Hallé, P. (1994). Evidence for tone-specific activity of the sternohyoid muscle in modern standard Chinese. Language and Speech, 37, 103-123.
- Hallé, P. & de Boysson-Bardies, B. (1994). Emergence of an early lexicon: Infants’ recognition of words. Infant Behavior and Development, 17 , 119-129.
- Hallé, P., de Boysson-Bardies, B. & Durand, C. (1992). Babillage et premiers mots. Glossa, 29, 4-15.
- Hallé, P., de Boysson-Bardies, B., & Vihman, M. (1991). Beginnings of prosodic organization: Intonation and duration patterns of disyllables produced by Japanese and French infants. Language and Speech, 34, 299-318.
- de Boysson-Bardies, B., Hallé, P., Sagart, L. & Durand, C. (1989). A cross-linguistic investigation of vowel formants in babbling. Journal of Child Language, 16, 1-17.
- Sagart, L., Hallé, P., de Boysson-Bardies, B., Arabia- Guidet, C. (1986). Tone Production in modern standard Chinese: an electro-myographic investigation. Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 15, 205-220.
- Sagart, L. & Hallé, P. (1986). Esquisse de la phonologie d’un dialecte du Jiangxi: Nancheng. Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 13, 191-215.
(recent) Chapters
- Hallé, P., Segui, J., Dominguez, A., & Cuetos, F. (to appear). special is especial but stuto is not astuto: Perception of prothetic /e/ in speech and print by speakers of Spanish. In V. Jaichenco & Y. Sevilla (Eds.), Psicolingüística en Español. Homenaje a Juan Seguí. Buenos Aires: Secretariá de Publicaciones, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
- Hallé, P., & Cristia, A. (in press). Global and detailed speech representations in early language acquisition. In S. Fuchs & P. Perrier (Eds.), Speech planning and dynamics. Peter Lang Verlag.
- Hallé, P., & Adda-Decker, M. (2011). Voice assimilation in French obstruents: A gradient or a categorical process? In J. Goldsmith, E. Hume & L. Wetzels (Eds.), Tones and features: A festschrift for Nick Clements (pp. 149-175). De Gruyter.
- Frauenfelder, U., & Hallé, P. (2004). Flux temporel d’information et grain d’analyse dans le traitement de la parole. In L. Ferrand & J. Grainger (Eds.), Psycholinguistique Cognitive : essais en l’honneur de Juan Segui (pp. 107-122). Bruxelles: De Boeck Université.
- de Boysson-Bardies, B., & Hallé, P. (2004). Des “capacités précoces” à l’élaboration du premier lexique. In L. Ferrand & J. Grainger (Eds.), Psycholinguistique Cognitive : essais en l’honneur de Juan Segui (pp. 289-304). Bruxelles: De Boeck Université.
(recent) Conference Proceedings
- Cuetos, F., Hallé, P., Dominguez, A., & Segui, J. (2011, August). Perception of prothetic /e/ in #sc utterances: Gating data. Oral communication at the 17th ICPhS. Hong Kong, China.
- Gao, J., Hallé, P., Honda, K., Maeda, S., & Toda, M. (2011, August). Shanghai slack voice: acoustic and ePGG data. Oral communication at the 17th ICPhS. Hong Kong, China.
- Hallé, P., & Ridouane, R. (2011, August). French listeners’ deafness to Tashlhiyt Berber /bi/-bbi/. Oral communication at the 17th ICPhS. Hong Kong, China.
- Ridouane, R., & Hallé, P. (2011, August). On the perceptual reliability of articulation without acoustics. Poster communication at the 17th ICPhS. Hong Kong, China.
- Hallé, P., Cuetos, F., Segui, J., & Dominguez, A. (2008, juin). Conséquences d’un cas de réparation phonologique en espagnol : special est un mot, scuro est un non-mot. Communication orale aux 27èmes JEP. Avignon, France.
- Chang, Y-C, Hallé, P., Best, C., & Abramson, A. (2008, avril). Do non-native language listeners perceive Mandarin tone continua categorically? Oral communication at the 8th Phonetic Conf. of China and the International Symposium on Phonetic Frontiers. Pékin, Chine.
- Adda-Decker, M., & Hallé, P. (2007, août). Bayesian framework for voicing alternation and assimilation studies on large corpora in French. Communication affichée au 16ème ICPhS, Saarbrücken, Allemagne.
- Hallé, P., & Adda-Decker, M. (2007, août). Voicing assimilation in journalistic speech. Communication affichée au 16ème ICPhS, Saarbrücken, Allemagne.
- Chang, Y-C., Hong, J-Q., & Hallé, P. (2007, août). English cluster perception by Taiwanese speakers. Communication affichée au 16ème ICPhS, Saarbrücken, Allemagne.
- Best, C., Hallé, P., & Bohn, O. (2003, août). Cross-language perception of nonnative vowels: Phonological and phonetic effects of listeners’ native languages. Communication orale au Congrès ICPhS 2003, Barcelone, Espagne.
- Hallé, P., Best, C., & Bachrach , A. (2003, août). Perception of /dl/ and /tl/ clusters: A cross-linguistic study with French and Israeli listeners. Communication orale au Congrès ICPhS 2003, Barcelone, Espagne.
- Hallé, P., & Segui, J. (2000). Tolérance aux variations phonétiques dans l’accès au lexique : pourquoi “dlaïeul” est-il mieux toléré que “droseille” ? In Proc. 23èmes J.E.P. (pp. 201-204). Aussois, France.