Directrice du Laboratoire LMC2
Après l’obtention d’une thèse de Doctorat en sciences cognitives et neuropsychologie de l’Université de Caen en 2000, j’ai été recrutée Maitre de conférences en Neuropsychologie du Vieillissement en 2001 à l’Université Paris 5. J’ai soutenu mon HDR en 2003 et j’ai été recrutée
Professeur des Universités en Psychologie Cognitive à l’Université Paris Descartes en 2009. Au cours de ma carrière, j’ai dirigé plusieurs équipes de recherche dans des UMR CNRS ou Inserm, je dirige le laboratoire Mémoire Cerveau et Cognition (UR 7536) depuis 2019. J’ai été nommée membre senior de l’IUF de 2009 à 2014 et de 2014 à 2019. Depuis ma thèe, mes travaux de recherche ont porté principalement sur la bases cognitives et cérébrales de la mémoire autobiographique et ses altérations. Depuis une quinzaine d’année, j’ai développé une approche écologique et incarnée de la mémoire épisodique et autobiographique au moyen de la réalité virtuelle.
Membre senior de l’IUF de 2009 à 2014 et de 2014 à 2019.
PEDR depuis 2006
Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur en 2015
Prix Equipe en SH de l’Association France Alzheimer (2009 et 2015)
Promotion par le CNU 16 : PR1 en 2014., PREX1 en 2018, PREX2 en 2020.
Service d’enseignements de Psycholologie Expérimentale (CM et TD Licence)
Master Psychologie Cognitive Fondamentale et Appliquée (M1 et M2 modèles de la Mémoire et réalité virtuelle et cognition)
Master de Neuropsychologie (modèles de la mémoire et amnésies ; méthodes d’evaluation et prise en charge, méthodologie avancée et réalité virtuelle)
CogMaster (M1 & M2 Memory functions)
Thèmes de recherche
Neurocognition de la mémoire épisodique et mémoire autobiographique, identité et conscience de soi, prospection.
Approche contructiviste et incarnée, neuropsychologique, biopsychologique et multiniveau de la mémoire.
Etude lifespan, vieillissement, pathologie neurologique et psychiatrique.
Utilisation de nouvelles technologies en réalité virtuelle pour la recherche fondamentale et appliquée en santé
Encadrement TER, stagiaires, Thèses et Post-doctorats
Projets, recherches en cours
- Mémoire prospective et cognition spontanée (projet PROWAN)
- Mémoire du futur, prospection et imagination (ANR Temporality)
- Effet des Stéréotypes (vieillissement) sur la mémoire (ANR AGING, projet PROTEUS)
- Prédiction des états de la trace mnésique épisodique/autobiographique à long terme (rôle de l’attention, émotion, self, métamémoire dès l’encodage) (IUF SIMULMEM)
- Conscience de soi narrative et/ou corporelle et mémoire chez le sujets neurotypiques et chez les patients atteints de troubles de la conscience de soi (projet BodySelf & Mémoire Episodique)
- Optimisation cognitive en réalité virtuelle (biofeedback, entrainement, induction en réalité virtuelle) (IDEX STRATEX NeuroPsyRV)
Responsabilités (scientifiques, administratives, enseignement)
Directrice de laboratoire (LMC² UR 7536)
Directrice Adjointe de l’Institut de Psychologie
Directrice Scientifique de la plateforme mutualisée RV-PSY
Membre élue VP CSL– Institut de Psychologie
Responsable des dossiers HDR – Institut de Psychologie
Membre des différents conseils de l’Institut de Psychologie (CSL, CG, CAL) et commission recherche faculté S& H
Responsable UE : Master PCFA (M1 et M2), Master Neuropsychologie (M1), au CogMaster (M2)
Responsable du DU RV-PSY « Réalité Virtuelle et Domaines de la Psychologie »
Contrat de recherche
ANR AGING (partenaire)
ANR SUBLIMAE (partenaire)
IHEMI – FIESPI « Police Scientifique – Autopsie » (Porteuse Académique)
IDEX – STRATEX NeuroPsyRV (Porteuse)
Erasmus+ POEMSET (membre partenariat UPC)
Livres :
Piolino P.; Desgranges B.; Eustache F.,2000. La mémoire autobiographique : théorie et
pratique. Marseille; Solal; 230 p.
Piolino P.; Thomas-Antérion C.; Eustache F.; 2008. Des amnésies organiques aux amnésies psychogènes : théorie; pratique et prise en charge; Solal; 345 p.
Nicolas S.; Piolino P. 2010. Anthologie de Psychologie Cognitive de la Mémoire. Bruxelles : Deboeck (212 p).
Sélection ACL en anglais
Blondé, P., Sperduti, M., Makowski, D., & Piolino, P. (2022). Bored, distracted, and forgetful: The impact of mind wandering and boredom on memory encoding. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(1), 53–69.
Colás-Blanco, I*., Mioche, J., La Corte, V., & Piolino, P. (2022). The role of temporal distance of the events on the spatiotemporal dynamics of mental time travel to one’s personal past and future. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 2378.
Abichou, K., La Corte, V., Bellegarde, A., Nicolas, S., & Piolino, P. (2022). How rich are false memories in a naturalistic context in healthy aging?. Memory, 30(3), 262–278.
Bögge, L., Colàs-Blanco, I.*, & Piolino, P. (2022). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia during biofeedback is linked to persistent improvements in attention, short-term memory, and positive self-referential episodic. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 791498.
Lenormand, D., & Piolino, P. (2022). In search of a naturalistic neuroimaging approach: Exploration of general feasibility through the case of VR-fMRI and application in the domain of episodic memory. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 133, 104499.
Penaud, S., Jebara, N., Zaoui, M., Orriols, E., Berthoz, A., & Piolino, P. (2022). Episodic memory and self-reference in a naturalistic context: New insights based on a virtual walk in the Latin Quarter of Paris. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 81, 101801.
Fauvel, B., Strika-Bruneau, L., & Piolino, P. (2021). Changes in self-rumination and self-compassion mediate the effect of psychedelic experiences on decreases in depression, anxiety, and stress. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 10(1), 88–102.
Blondé, P., Girardeau, J. C., Sperduti, M., & Piolino, P. (2021). A wandering mind is a forgetful mind: A systematic review on the influence of mind wandering on episodic memory encoding. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 132, 774–792.
Abichou, K., La Corte, V., Sperduti, M., Gaston-Bellegarde, A., Nicolas, S., & Piolino, P. (2021). The production of false recognition and the associated state of consciousness following encoding in a naturalistic context in aging. Consciousness and Cognition, 90, 103097.
La Corte, V., Ferrieux, S., Abram, M., Bertrand, A., Dubois, B., Teichmann, M., & Piolino, P. (2021). The role of semantic memory in prospective memory and episodic future thinking: new insights from a case of semantic dementia. Memory, 29(8), 943–962. 18
Blondé, P., Makowski, D., Sperduti, M., & Piolino, P. (2020). In Medio Stat Virtus: intermediate levels of mind wandering improve episodic memory encoding in a virtual environment. Psychological Research, 86(3), 1014.
Armougum, A., Gaston-Bellegarde, A., Joie-La Marle, C., & Piolino, P. (2020). Physiological investigation of cognitive load in real-life train travelers during information processing., 89, 103180.
Armougum, A., Gaston-Bellegarde, A., Joie-La Marle, C., & Piolino, P. (2020). Expertise reversal effect : The cost of generating new schemas. Computers in Human Behavior, 111, 106406. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27391.56481/1
Fanuel, L., Plancher, G., & Piolino, P. (2020). Using More Ecological Paradigms to Investigate Working Memory: Strengths, Limitations and Recommendations. Front Hum Neurosci., 4, 14:148. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00148
Makowski, D., Sperduti, M., Blonde, P., Nicolas, S., & Piolino, P. (2020). The heart of cognitive control: Cardiac phase modulates processing speed and inhibition. Psychophysiology. 2020; 57(3).
Compère, L., Charron, S. Gallarda, T., Rari, E., Lion, S., Nys, M., Assens, A., Coussinoux, S., Machefaux, S., Oppenheim, C. & Piolino, P. (2020) Gender identity better than sex explains individual differences in episodic and semantic components of autobiographical memory: an fMRI study. NeuroImage, 225, Article 117507.
Armougum, A., Orriols, E., Gaston-Bellegarde, A., Joie-La Marle, C., & Piolino, P. (2019). Virtual reality: A new method to investigate cognitive load during navigation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65, 101338.
Abichou K, La Corte V, Hubert N, Orriols E, Gaston-Bellegarde A, Nicolas S, Piolino P. (2019). Young and Older Adults Benefit From Sleep, but Not From Active Wakefulness for Memory Consolidation of What-Where-When Naturalistic Events. Front Aging Neurosci. 2019 Mar 20;11:58. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2019.00058.
La Corte V, Sperduti M, Abichou K, Piolino P. (2019). Episodic Memory Assessment and Remediation in Normal and Pathological Aging Using Virtual Reality: A Mini Review. Front Psychol. 2019 Feb 6;10:173. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00173. eCollection 2019. [ISI, PubMed; IF: 2.13; Scimago Psychology: Q1; cite 3]
Makowski D, Sperduti M, Pelletier J, Blondé P, La Corte V, Arcangeli M, Zalla T, Lemaire S, Dokic J, Nicolas S, Piolino P. (2019). Phenomenal, bodily and brain correlates of fictional reappraisal as an implicit emotion regulation strategy. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci.19(4):877-897. doi: 10.3758/s13415-018-00681-0.
Kalenzaga S, Clarys D, Piolino P. (2019). Effortful memory processes under stereotype threat and self-concept in aging. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove). 2019 Jan 23:1747021818819787. doi: 10.1177/1747021818819787.
Tuena C, Serino S, Dutriaux L, Riva G, Piolino P. (2019). Virtual Enactment Effect on Memory in Young and Aged Populations: a Systematic Review. J Clin Med. 7;8(5). pii: E620. doi: 10.3390/jcm8050620. Review [ISI, PubMed; IF:5.69; Scimago Medecine: Q1]
Plancher G, Gyselinck V, Piolino P. (2018). The Integration of Realistic Episodic Memories Relies on Different Working Memory Processes: Evidence from Virtual Navigation. Front Psychol. 30;9:47. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00047. eCollection 2018.
Compère, L., Rari E, Gallarda T, Assens A, Nys M, Coussinoux S, Machefaux S, Piolino P. (2018). Gender identity better than sex explains individual differences in episodic and semantic components of autobiographical memory and future thinking. Conscious Cogn. 57:1-19. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2017.11.001.
Sperduti M, Makowski D, Arcangeli M, Wantzen P, Zalla T, Lemaire S, Dokic J, Pelletier J, Piolino P. (2017). The distinctive role of executive functions in implicit emotion regulation. Acta Psychol (Amst). 173:13-20. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2016.12.001.
Picard,L, Abram,M, Orriols, E, Piolino, P (2017). Virtual reality as an ecologically valid tool for assessing multifaceted episodic memory in children and adolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 41(2) 211–219.
Makowski, D., Sperduti, M., Nicolas, S., & Piolino, P. (2017). “Being there” and remembering it: Presence improves memory encoding. Consciousness and Cognition, 53, 194-202.
Sperduti, M, Armougum, A, Makowski, D, Blondé, P & Piolino P (2017). Interaction between attentional systems and episodic memory encoding: the impact of conflict on binding of information. Experimental Brain Research, 235(12):3553-3560.
Compère L, Sperduti M, Gallarda T, Anssens A, Lion S, Delhommeau M, Martinelli P, Devauchelle AD, Oppenheim C, Piolino P. (2016). Sex Differences in the Neural Correlates of Specific and General Autobiographical Memory. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016 Jun 20;10:285. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00285. eCollection 2016.
Amado I, Brénugat-Herné L, Orriols E, Desombre C, Dos Santos M, Prost Z, Krebs MO, Piolino P. (2016). A Serious Game to Improve Cognitive Functions in Schizophrenia: A Pilot Study. Front Psychiatry. 2016 Apr 20;7:64. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00064. eCollection 2016.
Compère L, Mam-Lam-Fook C, Amado I, Nys M, Lalanne J, Grillon ML, Bendjemaa N, Krebs MO, Piolino P. (2016). Self-reference recollection effect and its relation to theory of mind: An investigation in healthy controls and schizophrenia. Conscious Cogn. 42:51-64
Sperduti M, Makowski D, Piolino P. (2016). The protective role of long-term meditation on the decline of the executive component of attention in aging: a preliminary cross-sectional study. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn. 23(6):691-702. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2016.1159652.
Kalenzaga S, Lamidey V, Ergis AM, Clarys D, Piolino P. (2016). The positivity bias in aging: Motivation or degradation? Emotion. 2016 Aug;16(5):602-10.
Sperduti M, Arcangeli M, Makowski D, Wantzen P, Zalla T, Lemaire S, Dokic J, Pelletier J, Piolino P. (2016). The paradox of fiction: Emotional response toward fiction and the modulatory role of self-relevance. Acta Psychol (Amst). 165:53-9. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2016.02.003
Debarnot U, Abichou K, Kalenzaga S, Sperduti M, Piolino P. (2015). Variable motor imagery training induces sleep memory consolidation and transfer improvements. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 119:85-92.
Kalenzaga S, Sperduti M, Anssens A, Martinelli P, Devauchelle AD, Gallarda T, Delhommeau M, Lion S, Amado I, Krebs MO, Oppenheim C, Piolino P. (2015). Episodic memory and
self-reference via semantic autobiographical memory: insights from an fMRI study in younger and older adults. Front Behav Neurosci. 8:449.
Coste C, Navarro B, Vallat-Azouvi C, Brami M, Azouvi P, Piolino P. (2015). Disruption of temporally extended self-memory system following traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychologia. 71:133-45.
Debarnot U, Crépon B, Orriols E, Abram M, Charron S, Lion S, Roca P, Oppenheim C, Gueguen B, Ergis AM, Baron JC, Piolino P. (2015). Intermittent theta burst stimulation over left BA10 enhances virtual reality-based prospective memory in healthy aged subjects. Neurobiol Aging. 36(8):2360-9.
Péron JA*, Piolino P* Moal-Boursiquot SL, Biseul I, Leray E, Bon L, Desgranges B, Eustache F, Belliard S. (2015). Preservation of Person-Specific Semantic Knowledge in Semantic Dementia: Does Direct Personal Experience Have a Specific Role? Front Hum Neurosci. 2015 Nov 19;9:625. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00625. eCollection 2015
Abram, M., Picard, L., Navarro, B. and Piolino, P. (2014). Mechanisms of autobiographical mental time travel to the past and to the future – new data in a lifespan approach. Consciousness and Cognition, 29, 76-89.
Jebara N, Orriols E, Zaoui M, Berthoz A, Piolino P. (2014). Effects of enactment in episodic memory: a pilot virtual reality study with young and elderly adults. Front Aging Neurosci. 2014 Dec 17;6:338. Impact Factor: 2016 (4.504)
Viard A, Piolino P, Belliard S, de La Sayette V., Desgranges B, Eustache F. (2014). Episodic future thinking in semantic dementia : a cognitive and fMRI study. Plos One. Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Article Number: e111046
Martinelli P, Sperduti M, Piolino P. (2013). Neural substrates of the self-memory system:
new insights from a meta-analysis. Hum Brain Mapping, 34(7):1515-29. [ISI, PubMed; IF: 4.55; Scimago Imaging Q1, cite 122]
Gras, D., Gyselinck, V., Perrussel, M., Orriols E., & Piolino, P. (2013). The role of working memory components and visuospatial abilities in route learning within a virtual environment. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 25, 38-50.
Gyselinck, V., Meneghetti, C., Bormetti, M., Orriols, E., Piolino, P. & De Beni, R. (2013). Considering spatial ability in virtual route learning in early aging. Cognitive Processing, 14(3):309-16 I
Viard A, Desgranges B, Matuszewski V, Lebreton K, Belliard S, de La Sayette V, Eustache F, Piolino P. (2013). Autobiographical memory in semantic dementia: new insights from two patients using fMRI. Neuropsychologia. 51(13):2620-32.
Rauchs, G, Piolino, P., Bertran, F., de La Sayette, V., Viader, F., Eustache, F., Desgranges, B (2013). Retrieval of recent autobiographical memories is associated with slow-wave sleep in early AD. Front Hum Neurosci. 7: 114 doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2013.00114.
Lalanne J, Rozenberg J, Grolleau P, Piolino P. (2013). The self-reference effect on episodic memory recollection in young and older adults and Alzheimer’s disease. Curr Alzheimer Res; 10(10):1107-17.
Lalova M, Baylé F, Grillon ML, Houet L, Moreau E, Rouam F, Cacot P, Piolino P. (2013). Mechanisms of insight in schizophrenia and impact of cognitive remediation therapy. Compr Psychiatry; 54(4):369-80.
Martinelli P, Sperduti M, Devauchelle AD, Kalenzaga S, Gallarda T, Lion S, Delhommeau M, Anssens A, Amado I, Meder JF, Krebs MO, Oppenheim C, Piolino P. (2013). Age-related changes in the functional network underlying specific and general autobiographical memory retrieval: a pivotal role for the anterior cingulate cortex. PLoS One. 8(12):e82385.
Picard L, Mayor-Dubois C, Maeder P, Kalenzaga S, Abram M, Duval C, Eustache F,
Roulet-Perez E, Piolino P. (2013). Functional independence within the self-memory system: new insights from two cases of developmental amnesia. Cortex. 2013 Jun;49(6):1463-81. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2012.10.003. .
Sperduti M, Martinelli P, Kalenzaga S, Devauchelle AD, Lion S, Malherbe C, Gallarda T, Amado I,
Krebs MO, Oppenheim C, Piolino P. (2013). Don’t be Too Strict with Yourself! Rigid Negative Self-Representation in Healthy Subjects Mimics the Neurocognitive Profile of Depression for
Autobiographical Memory. Front Behav Neurosci. 2013 May 21;7:41. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2013.0004.
Plancher G, Barra J, Orriols E, Piolino P. (2013). The influence of action on episodic memory: a virtual reality study. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove). 2013;66(5):895-909. doi: 10.1080/17470218.2012.722657.
Martinelli, P, Anssens, A, Sperduti, M, Piolino P (2013). The Influence of Normal Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease in Autobiographical Memory Highly Related to the Self. Neuropsychology, 27(1): 69-78.
Duval C, Desgranges B, de la Sayette V, Belliard S, Eustache F, Piolino P. (2012). What Happens to personal identity when semantic knowledge degrades: insights from semantic dementia. Neuropsychologia 50(2):254-65.
Picard L., Cousin S., Guillery-Girard B., Eustache F., & Piolino P. (2012). How do the different components of episodic memory develop? Role of executive functions and feature-binding abilities. Child Development 83, 1037-50.
Plancher, G, Tirard A., Gyselinck, V., Nicolas, S. & Piolino, P. (2012). Using virtual reality for characterize episodic memory profiles in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease : influence of active/passive encoding. Neuropsychologia, 50(5), 592-602.
Viard A, Desgranges B, Eustache F, Piolino P. (2012). Factors affecting medial temporal lobe engagement for past and future episodic events: An ALE meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. Brain and Cognition, 80, 111-25.
Viard A, Chételat G, Lebreton K, Desgranges B, Landeau B, de La Sayette V, Eustache F, Piolino P. (2011). Mental time travel into the past and the future in healthy aged adults: an fMRI study. Brain & Cognition, 75(1):1-9
Coste C., Agar N., Petit Four AL, Quinette P., Guillery B., Azouvi P, Piolino P. (2011). Relationship between executive fonctions and short-term feature binding in retrograde autobiographical memory in severe traumatic brain injury. Cortex, 47(7):771-86.
Viard A., Lebreton K., Desgranges B., Chételat G., Landeau B., Young A., De La Sayette V., Eustache F., Piolino P., 2010. Patterns of hippocampal-neocortical connectivity in the retrieval of autobiographical memories across the entire life-span of older adults. Hippocampus, 20(1):153-65.
Plancher, G, Gyselinck V, Nicolas, S., Piolino P., 2010. Age effect on components of episodic memory and features binding: A virtual reality study. Neuropsychology, 24, 379-90.
Piolino P., Coste C., Martinelli P., Macé AL., Quinette P., Guillery B., Belleville S. 2010. Reduced Specificity of Autobiographical Memory and Aging: The Role of Executive and Feature Binding Functions of Working Memory, Neuropsychologia, 48(2):429-40
Matuszewski V., Piolino P., Belliard S., Lalevée C., Pélerin A., De la Sayette V., Eustache F., Desgranges B., 2009 Mechanisms of disruption of autobiographical memories in semantic dementia. Cortex, 45, 456-472.
Piolino P., Desgranges B., Eustache F., 2009. Episodic autobiographical memory over the course of time: cognitive, neuropsychological and neuroimaging findings. Special Issue on Episodic memory and the brain in Honor of Endel Tulving [theoretical review paper]. Neuropsychologia, 47, 11, 2314-29.
Picard L., Ruffeveille I., Eustache F., Piolino P., 2009. Development of autonoetic autobiographical memory in school-age children : genuine age effect or development of cognitive abilities ?, Consciousness and Cognition, 18(4):864-76.
Plancher, G, Guyard A., Nicolas, S., Piolino P. 2009. Mechanisms of false memory for famous people’ names in aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Neuropsychologia; 47, 2527-2536.
Lemogne C., Friszer S., Piolino P., Claret A., Girault N., Jouvent R., Allilaire J-F, Fossati P., 2008. Cognitive Avoidance of Intrusive Memories and Autobiographical Memory: Specificity, Autonoetic Consciousness, and Self-perspective. Memory, 17, 1-7.
Noulhiane M, Piolino P, Hasboun D, Baulac M, Samson S., 2008. Autonoetic consciousness in autobiographical Memory after temporal lobe resection, Behavioural Neurology, 19(1-2), 19-22.
Piolino P., Desgranges B., Hubert V., Bernard F., Chételat, G., Baron J-C, Eustache F, 2008. Reliving lifelong episodic autobiographical memories via the hippocampus: a correlative resting PET study in healthy middle-aged subjects, Hippocampus, 18(5):445-59.
Plancher, G., Nicolas, S., Piolino, P., 2008. Influence of Suggestion in the DRM Paradigm: What State of Consciousness Is Associated with False Memory?, Consciousness and Cognition, 17(4), 1114-22.
Desgranges B., Matuszewski V., Piolino P., Chételat G., Mezenge F., Landeau B., De la Sayette V., Belliard S., Eustache F. 2007. Anatomical and functional alterations in Semantic Dementia: a voxel based MRI and PET study. Neurobiology of Aging, 28, 1904-13.
Noulhiane M., Piolino P., Hasboun D., Baulac M., Samson S., 2007. Autobiographical memory after temporal lobe resection: neuropsychological and MRI volumetric findings, Brain, 130, 3184-99.
Piolino P., Hisland M., Matuszewski V., Jambaqué I., Eustache F., 2007. Do school-age children remember or know the personal past ? Consciousness and Cognition, 16, 84–101.
Piolino P., Desgranges B., Manning L., North P., Jokic F., Eustache F., 2007. Autobiographical memory, the sense of recollection and executive functions after severe closed head injury. Cortex, 43, 176-195.
Piolino P., Chételat G., Matuszewski V., Landeau B., De La Sayette V., Eustache F., Desgranges B., 2007. In search of autobiographical memories : a PET study in frontotemporal dementia, Neuropsychologia, 45, 2730-43.
Piolino P., Lamidey V., Desgranges B., Eustache F. 2007. The semantic and episodic subcomponents of famous person knowledge: dissociation in healthy subjects, Neuropsychology, 21, 122-135.
Rauchs G., Piolino P., Mézenge F., Lalevée C., Pèlerin A., Viader F., de la Sayette V., Eustache F., Desgranges B. 2007. The neural substrates of autonoetic consciousness impairment in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 28, 1410-20.
Viard A., Piolino P., Desgranges B., Lebreton K., Chételat G., Landeau B., Young A., De La Sayette V., Eustache F. 2007. Autobiographical memories and sense of recollection over the entire lifetime of elderly subjects : an fMRI study, Cerebral Cortex, 17, 2453-67.
Lemogne C., Piolino P., Friszer S., Claret A., Girault N., Jouvent R., Allilaire J-F, Fossati P., 2006. Episodic Autobiographical Memory in Depression: Specificity, Autonoetic Consciousness and Self-Perspective, Consciousness and Cognition, 15, 258-68.
Matuszewski V., Piolino P., Lalevée C., Pélerin A., De la Sayette V., Eustache F., Desgranges B., 2006. Mechanisms of disruption of autobiographical memories in fronto-temporal dementia, Neuropsychologia, 44, 13, 2374-2385.
Piolino P., Desgranges B., Clarys D., Guillery-Girard B., Isingrini M., Eustache F. 2006. Autobiographical memory, autonoetic consciousness and self-perspective in aging, Psychology and Aging, 3, 510-525.
Danion JM, Cuervo C., Piolino P., Huron C., Riutort M., Peretti CS, Eustache F, 2005. Abnormal subjective sense of self in patients with schizophrenia. Consciousness and Cognition, 14, 535-547.
Piolino P., Hannequin D., Desgranges B., Girard C., Beaunieux H., Giffard B., Lebreton K., & Eustache F., 2005. Right ventral frontal hypometabolism and abnormal sense of self in a case of disproportionate retrograde amnesia, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 22, 1005-1034. I
Eustache F., Piolino P., Giffard B., Viader F., De La Sayette V., Baron J-C., Desgranges B., 2004. In the course of time: a PET study of the cerebral substrates of autobiographical amnesia in Alzheimer’s disease, Brain, 22, 1549-1560.
Piolino P., Giffard-Quillon G., Desgranges B., Chételat G., Baron J-C., Eustache F., 2004. Re-experiencing old memories via hippocampus: a PET study of autobiographical
memory. NeuroImage, 22, 1371-1383.
Piolino P, Belliard S, Desgranges B, Perron M, Eustache F., 2003. Autobiographical memory and autonoetic consciousness in a case of semantic dementia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 20, 619-639
Piolino P., Desgranges B., Belliard S., Matuszewski V., Lalevée C., De La Sayette V., Eustache F., 2003. Autobiographical memory and autonoetic consciousness : triple dissociation in neurodegenerative diseases, Brain, 126, 2203-2219.
Piolino P, Desgranges B., Benali K, Eustache F., 2002. Episodic and semantic remote autobiographical memory in aging. Memory, 10, 239-257.

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